It is well known that Roomba is one of the top robotic vacuum brands in the world. With a wide range of vacuums available, we can see that there are many different options to choose from. You might be wondering which is better, the Roomba i6 or the Roomba i6+? In today’s article, I will be comparing these two vacuums so you can make a decision about which is for you.

Is Roomba i6 the same as i6+?

Roomba i6 vs i6+

Robot vacuums are becoming more and more popular, but which is the best option for you? Roomba i6 or Roomba i+?The Roomba i6 has some great features, but the Roomba i+ has some additional features that may be worth considering. Here are the key differences between the two models: This may be important if you have a large home and plan to use the vacuum regularly. The Roomba i6 includes a mapping feature that allows it to navigate around your home more accurately. This can help to reduce the time it takes to clean your floors.

The Roomba i6 is compatible with Amazon Alexa, whereas the Roomba i+ is not. This may be important if you plan to use voice controls with your robot vacuum. The Roomba i6 includes a pet hair eraser, whereas the Roomba i+ does not. If you have pets or children who often leave hair behind on the floor, this could be a useful feature.

What are the difference between Roomba i6 and i6+?

The Roomba i6 and i6+ are the latest additions to the Roomba family. They both come with a number of upgrades over the original Roomba i robot vacuum cleaners.So, what are the major differences between the Roomba i6 and i6+? Here are some of the key features: The Roomba i6+ has a longer battery life than the Roomba i6. This means that it can work for up to 14 minutes longer on a single charge. The Roomba i6+ has an updated sensor system that is better at detecting stairs and other obstacles. It is also more sensitive to dirt and debris, meaning that it will clean more effectively on carpets and hard floors. The Roomba i6+ comes with two rechargeable batteries, while the Roomba i only comes with one rechargeable battery.

This means that you can charge both machines at the same time if you have a power outlet available. The Roomba i6+ has an improved dustbin capacity of 0.7 liters, compared to the 0.5 liter dustbin capacity of the Room.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Design

If you are looking for a robot vacuum to clean your floors, the Roomba i6 and the Roomba i6+ are two of the most popular options. Here is a comparison of the two models to help you decide which one is right for you.The Roomba i6 is a basic model that does not have many features compared to the i6+ model. The i6+ has a camera that can see in 360 degrees and it can identify different types of floor surfaces. It also has more suction power and it can navigate around obstacles better. However, the Roomba i6 is cheaper and it is easier to use.If you are just starting out with robot vacuums, the Roomba i6+ is a better option because it has more features and it is easier to use.

However, if you are experienced with robot vacuums, the Roomba i6 model is cheaper and it has the same amount of suction power.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Mapping & Navigation

Looking for a robot vacuum that can map your floors and navigate its way around the house? The Roomba i6 is a great option if you are looking for a budget-friendly vacuum cleaner.The Roomba i6+ is a more expensive model that features enhanced mapping and navigation capabilities. However, it may not be the best option if you want a versatile robot vacuum that can also handle pet hair and other debris.

If you are only concerned about price and don’t care about features, the Roomba i6+ is a great option. However, if you want a more versatile robot vacuum, the Roomba i6 is the better option.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Cleaning Features

If you are looking to buy a robot vacuum cleaner, the Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+ models are two of the most popular options on the market. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two models and see which one is better for you.The Roomba i6+ is a slightly more expensive model, but it features several additional cleaning features that make it worth the investment. These features include an edge detection system, a crosshair sensor, and a laser scanner.The Roomba i6 is also a great option, but it doesn’t have as many cleaning features as the i6+ model.

It does, however, still perform well in terms of cleaning performance.If money is not an issue, then the i6+ model would be the best option for you. It has additional features that will make it easier for you to clean your house efficiently.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Smart Features

A robot vacuum cleaner is a great investment for anyone who wants to keep their home clean and tidy. In this article, we compares the Roomba i6 and the Roomba i6+ robot vacuum cleaners.The Roomba i6 is a budget-friendly option that comes with many smart features. It has a Wi-Fi connection, six sensors, and a DustBuster dustbin. The Roomba i6+ has all of the same features as the Roomba i6, but it also has a upgraded motor and battery.The Roomba i6+ is the better option if you are looking for a more advanced robot vacuum cleaner.

It has more features and it is easier to use. If you are just starting out with robot vacuuming, the Roomba i6+ is a good choice because it is cheaper and it has all of the basic features you need.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Customization Features

When it comes to choosing a robot vacuum, there are a few things to consider. One of the most important factors is the customization features available on each model.The Roomba i6+ has several extra customization options that the Roomba i6 does not have. These options include the ability to schedule cleanings, add accessories, and view live footage from the robot.There are also some other differences between the two models. The Roomba i6+ has an advanced mapping system that allows it to navigate more difficult surfaces. The i6+ also has a built-in wand that is larger and more versatile than the i6’s wand.

Ultimately, it depends on what you are looking for in a robot vacuum cleaner. If you are primarily concerned with the customization features available on each model, then the Roomba i6+ is the better option.

Roomba i6 vs Roomba i6+: Mopping Features

Both the Roomba i6 and the Roomba i6+ robot vacuum cleaners have many of the same features, but there are a few key differences that should be considered before making a purchase. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of each model: Advantages of the Roomba i6 over the Roomba i6+The Roomba i6 has more than double the suction power of the Roomba i6+ and can reach higher places. This means that it is better able to clean hard-to-reach areas, such as corners and edges.

This makes it easier to keep your home clean without having to recharge it often. Disadvantages of the Roomba i6 over the Roomba i6+The Roomba i6+ has a built-in dustbin that can be emptied with a push of a button, while the Roomba i6 requires you to remove its bin before emptying it. 

Which one is the Better Option?

There are a few different models of Roomba robots available on the market today. Each model has its own unique features that may make it the best option for you.The Roomba i is a basic model that is good for floors that are around 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. It has a battery life of about 60 minutes and can be controlled using a remote control. The i+ is the upgraded model and has several additional features, including an extra dustbin, longer battery life, and more advanced navigation. It is good for floors up to 12 feet long and 6 feet wide.

If you are looking for a robot vacuum that can clean larger areas, the Roomba i+ is the better option. It has more features than the Roomba i model and can clean larger areas more quickly. However, the battery life is shorter than the Roomba i+ model, so it may not be suitable for cleaning large areas every day.

Does Roomba i6+ support self-emptying?

Roomba i6+ is a new model of robot vacuum cleaner from iRobot. It has some great features, but does it also have the ability to self-emptying? Self-emptying is one of the most important features of a good robot vacuum cleaner. It allows the vacuum cleaner to clean itself, eliminating the need for you to clean it.

Roomba i6+ has this feature, making it the perfect choice for people who want a robot vacuum cleaner that can take care of all the cleaning duties.Other great features of Roomba i6+ include its powerful motor and its intuitive navigation system.


After reading this article, I hope you have a better understanding of the Roomba i6+ robot vacuum and why it might be a better option for your needs. While both robots offer extensive cleaning capabilities, the i6+ offers some additional features that could make it the perfect choice for you.