The Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880 are two of the most popular Roomba cleaners on the market. Both offer great features and benefits, but there are some key differences between them. Here’s a look at the key differences between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880.

Roomba 770

The Roomba 770 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that is specifically designed to clean your floors. It features a number of sensors that allow it to navigate your home and avoid obstacles, as well as a powerful suction system that can pick up dirt, dust, and other debris.

The Roomba 770 features a number of sensors that allow it to navigate your home and avoid obstacles. It also has a powerful suction system that can pick up dirt, dust, and other debris. The Roomba 770 will automatically return to its home base to recharge when it is running low on battery.

There are a number of benefits to using the Roomba 770, including the fact that it can save you time and energy. The Roomba 770 is also very quiet, making it perfect for homes with pets or small children. In addition, the Roomba 770 is very easy to use and maintain.

Roomba 880 

The Roomba 880 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that was released in 2013. It’s one of the higher-end models in the Roomba range, and is packed with features that are designed to make vacuuming your home a breeze.

One of the most notable features of the Roomba 880 is its iAdapt Navigation system. This uses a combination of sensors and software to map out your home, so that the Roomba knows where it needs to go to vacuum every inch of your floors. The Roomba 880 also comes with Dirt Detect technology, which helps it to target areas of your home that tend to be dirtier than others. This is a great feature if you have pets, as it means that the Roomba will spend more time cleaning up their mess!

In terms of performance, the Roomba 880 does a great job of picking up both pet hair and general dirt and debris. Its powerful suction is able to tackle even the most stubborn dirt, and it does a good job of getting into tight spaces.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880

When it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners, there are a lot of choices on the market. But if you’re looking for the best of the best, then you’ll want to take a closer look at the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880. These are two of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market, and for good reason.

Both the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880 offer a lot of features that make them stand out from the competition. For starters, they both come with a self-emptying dustbin. This is a great feature that allows you to keep your Roomba running for longer without having to worry about emptying it out.

Another great feature that both the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880 offer is advanced navigation. This ensures that your Roomba will be able to clean your home effectively, no matter how complicated your layout may be.

Finally, both the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880 come with a powerful suction that will make short work of any dirt or debris in your home.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880

Design Compare

If you’re in the market for a new Roomba, the Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880 are two of the most popular models on the market. But what’s the difference between these two robots? Let’s take a closer look.

The biggest difference between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 880 is their design. The Roomba 770 is designed more like a traditional vacuum cleaner, with a handle on one side and a spinning brush on the other. The Roomba 880, on the other hand, is more like a Roomba vacuum cleaner, with six spinning circles that drive around to clean your floors.

Mapping & Navigation Features

When it comes to mapping and navigation, there are a few key differences between the Roomba 770 and 880. For starters, the 770 uses a virtual wall system to keep it contained to one room, while the 880 is equipped with iAdapt technology that allows it to map out an entire floor plan. Additionally, the 770 has a spot clean feature that allows it to focus on specific areas, while the 880 can be programmed to clean an entire room from top to bottom.

So, which is the better option? It really depends on your needs. If you have a large home with multiple floors, the 880 is probably the way to go. But, if you just need a basic cleaning solution for one room, the 770 will probably suffice.

Cleaning Features

If you’re looking for a robot vacuum to help keep your floors clean, you may be wondering how the Roomba 770 and 880 models compare. Both offer great cleaning performance, but there are some key differences to keep in mind.

The Roomba 770 is designed for homes with mostly hard floors. It features two multi-surface brushes that work together to sweep and vacuum debris. The 880 model, on the other hand, is better suited for homes with a mix of hard floors and low-pile carpets. It has one multi-surface brush and one power-lifting brush that work together to lift dirt and debris from carpets.

When it comes to cleaning performance, both models do a great job. However, the 880 model tends to do a slightly better job on carpets, while the 770 model does a slightly better job on hard floors.

Smart Features 

When it comes to the smart features of the two models, the Roomba 770 has a few advantages over the Roomba 880.

  1. The first difference is that the Roomba 770 has a camera that can be used to take pictures and videos. The camera on the Roomba 880 is not as good.
  2. The Roomba 770 also has more advanced sensors that are able to identify objects and track their movements. This makes it easier for you to clean your room without having to touch anything. The Roomba 880 does not have this feature.
  3. The last difference is that the Roomba 770 has more storage space. It comes with a microSD card slot so you can store more pictures and videos. The Roomba 880 does not have this feature.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880

Customization Features

Both the 770 and 880 allow users to schedule cleaning times, choose between different cleaning modes, and empty the dustbin. However, there are a few key differences between the two models.

The Roomba 770 has a remote control, while the Roomba 880 does not. The 770 also has a virtual wall that can be used to block off certain areas of the home, like a kitchen or a bathroom. The 880, on the other hand, has a more powerful motor that allows it to clean carpets more effectively. It also has a tangle-free debris extractor, which means that it won’t get caught on things like pet hair or cords.

Mopping Features 

When it comes to mopping, both the Roomba 770 and 880 are great choices. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should be aware of.

The Roomba 770 comes with a special mopping feature that allows it to clean your floors more thoroughly. It also has a larger water tank, so you can mop for longer periods of time without having to refill it. The Roomba 880, on the other hand, does not have a mopping feature. However, it does have a special cleaning head that is designed to clean hardwood floors more effectively.

Which one should you buy? Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880

If you’re in the market for a new Roomba, you may be wondering which model is right for you. The Roomba 770 and 880 are two of the most popular models on the market, so how do you choose between them?

To start, let’s take a look at the similarities between the two models. Both the 770 and 880 come with a remote control, so you can easily operate them from a distance. They also both have a self-charging dock, so you never have to worry about them running out of power. And finally, they both come with a one-year warranty from iRobot.

Now let’s take a look at the differences. The biggest difference between the 770 and 880 is the price. The 770 is the more affordable option, while the 880 is the more expensive option. But what does that extra cost get you?

The 880 comes with a few extra features that the 770 doesn’t have. For example, the 880 has a higher suction power, so it can clean your floors more effectively. It also has a longer battery life, so you can clean for longer before needing to recharge. And finally, the 880 comes with an additional virtual wall, so you can better control where it cleans.

So which one should you buy? If you’re looking for the most affordable option, the 770 is the way to go. But if you’re looking for the best possible cleaning performance, the 880 is the better choice.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 880


The two Roomba cleaners are very different in terms of features and price. The Roomba 770 is the cheaper model and doesn’t have as many features as the Roomba 880. The Roomba 880 is the more expensive model and has more features, including a better cleaning performance and a longer battery life. So which one to choose depends on your need!