There are a lot of different factors to consider when choosing between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630. Both models have their own unique features and benefits. To help you decide which one is right for you, we’ve put together a quick comparison of the two models.

Roomba 770 

If you are looking for a quality vacuum cleaner that can do the job quickly and efficiently, then you should take a look at the Roomba 770. This is a powerful little machine that will make quick work of cleaning your floors. It is also very easy to use, so you won’t have to spend a lot of time learning how to operate it.

The Roomba 770 is perfect for people who have a busy lifestyle. It is small and compact so it can easily be stored away when not in use. It is also very light, so you won’t have to worry about lugging it around the house.

The Roomba 770 is also very affordable. It is one of the most affordable Roomba models on the market. If you are looking for a quality vacuum cleaner that won’t break the bank, then the Roomba 770 is a great option.

Roomba 630 

The Roomba 630 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been specifically designed to clean your floors for you. It is equipped with sensors that allow it to navigate around your home and identify areas that need to be cleaned. The Roomba 630 also has a special edge-cleaning feature that helps it to reach tight spaces and corners.

The Roomba 630 uses a three-stage cleaning system to clean your floors. This system includes a spinning brush that loosens dirt and debris, a suctioning mechanism that picks up the debris, and a HEPA filter that traps dust and allergens. The Roomba 630 is also equipped with sensors that help it to avoid obstacles and furniture.

Compare Roomba 770 and Roomba 630

There are many similarities between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630. Both are iRobot products, and both are designed for cleaning floors. However, there are also some key differences between the two models.

The Roomba 770 is the more expensive model, and it includes several features that are not found on the Roomba 630. For example, the 770 includes a virtual wall, which can be used to keep the Roomba from entering certain areas of the home. The 770 also has a larger dustbin, and it includes a remote control.

The Roomba 630 is the less expensive model, but it still offers many features that are found on the 770. For example, the 630 includes a scheduling feature, which allows the user to set a time for the Roomba to clean. The 630 also has a smaller dustbin, but it does not include a remote control.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 630


When it comes to design, the Roomba 770 and 630 are very similar. Both models feature a sleek, circular shape that is perfect for maneuvering around furniture and tight spaces. The biggest difference between the two is the color scheme. The Roomba 770 features a black and silver design, while the Roomba 630 has a more understated black and gray color scheme.

In terms of size, the Roomba 770 is slightly larger than the Roomba 630. This may be due to the fact that the Roomba 770 features a built-in dustbin, while the Roomba 630 does not. However, both models are still relatively compact and can easily be stored away when not in use.

Mapping & Navigation

When it comes to mapping and navigation, there are a few key differences between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630. The Roomba 770 uses iAdapt Navigation with Visual Localization, while the Roomba 630 uses iAdapt 1.0 Navigation.

The Roomba 770 is able to create a map of your home as it cleans, so you can see which rooms have been cleaned and which ones still need to be done. You can also schedule cleanings and set up virtual barriers with the Roomba 770. The Roomba 630 does not have these features.

The Roomba 770 also has a larger dustbin and a higher suction power than the Roomba 630. So, if you’re looking for a Roomba that can clean your home more thoroughly and map it out for you, the Roomba 770 is the better choice.

Cleaning Features

There are a few key differences between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 when it comes to cleaning features. The Roomba 770 has a higher suction power which allows it to clean carpets better. It also has a tangle-free debris extractor which helps to prevent hair and debris from getting tangled in the brushroll. The Roomba 630 does not have these features, but it does have a edge-sweeping brush which helps to sweep debris away from edges and corners.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 630

Smart Features

There are a few key differences between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 when it comes to smart features. The 770 comes with a virtual wall barrier, which is great for keeping your robot vacuum contained to one area. It also has a remote control, so you can easily start and stop your Roomba from anywhere in the room. The 630 does not have either of these features.

Another big difference is that the 770 comes with iAdapt Navigation, which is a fancy way of saying that it can map out your home and clean more efficiently. The 630 does not have this feature, so it may take longer to clean your home.

Finally, the 770 has a few other cool features like an automatic dirt disposal system and a self-charging dock. The 630 does not have these features, so you’ll have to empty the dustbin manually and remember to put it back on the charger when it’s done.

Customization Features

The Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 are two of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. They both offer excellent features and performance, but there are some key differences between them that you should be aware of before making a purchase.

One of the biggest differences between the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 is the level of customization that each one offers. The Roomba 770 allows you to create up to 50 different cleaning schedules, making it very easy to keep your home clean even if you’re not there to do it yourself. The Roomba 630, on the other hand, only offers three different cleaning schedules.

Mopping Features

When it comes to mopping, the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 are pretty similar. Both come with a water reservoir and a mopping cloth attachment. The main difference is that the Roomba 770 has a vibrating brushroll that helps to loosen dirt and debris, while the Roomba 630 does not.

So, if you’re looking for a Roomba that can do a better job of cleaning your floors, the Roomba 770 is the way to go. However, if you’re on a budget, the Roomba 630 will still get the job done.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 630 : Which one should you buy?

There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a Roomba. Two of the most popular models are the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630. Both models have their pros and cons, so it is important to decide which features are most important to you before making a purchase.

The Roomba 770 is the more expensive model, but it comes with a few extra features that the 630 does not have. One of the most notable differences is that the 770 comes with a virtual wall. This is a great feature if you have a specific area that you want the Roomba to stay out of. The 770 also has a higher suction power, so it will do a better job of picking up dirt and debris.

The Roomba 630 is the less expensive model, but it does not have all of the bells and whistles that the 770 has. One thing to keep in mind is that the 630 does not have a virtual wall, so you will need to purchase one separately if you want to use it. The 630 also has a lower suction power, so it might not pick up everything that the 770 will.

Both the Roomba 770 and the Roomba 630 are great vacuum cleaners. It really just comes down to personal preference and which features are most important to you.

Roomba 770 vs Roomba 630


In conclusion,the Roomba 770 is a better choice for those with larger homes. It has more cleaning cycles and a wider coverage area, making it easier to clean large areas quickly. The Roomba 630 is a good choice for those who need a smaller robot and don’t want to pay for the extra features of the 770.