While both iRobot Roomba e6 and Roomba i7+ are both popular robots, many people ask about the difference between the two. This article breaks down te differences and help you to choose.

iRobot Roomba e6

The iRobot Roomba e6 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been designed to make your life easier. It is able to clean your floors for you, so you don’t have to worry about doing it yourself. The Roomba e6 is able to clean both hard floors and carpets, and it also comes with a special edge-cleaning mode for those hard-to-reach places.

Roomba i7+ 

The iRobot Roomba i7+ is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been designed to clean your floors. It comes with a number of features that make it an ideal choice for those who are looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner. And it is available for purchase from a number of retailers, and it is also available for rent from some retailers. 

irobot roomba e6 Vs roomba i7+

Compare iRobot Roomba e6 and Roomba i7+

When it comes to iRobot Roombas, the e6 and i7+ models are two of the most popular choices. So, what is the difference between them? Well, the biggest difference is that the i7+ model is capable of emptying its own dustbin, whereas the e6 model is not. Other than that, the two models are pretty similar, with both featuring the same basic design and functionality.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference as to which model is better. Both models are great at cleaning, so it really just depends on what features are most important to you and your budget.


When it comes to design, the iRobot Roomba e6 and Roomba i7+ couldn’t be more different. The iRobot Roomba e6 sports a sleek, modern design that will look great in any home. The Roomba i7+, on the other hand, has a more traditional design that may not be to everyone’s taste.

If you’re looking for a stylish vacuum cleaner that will get the job done, the iRobot Roomba e6 is the way to go. If you’re looking for the most powerful vacuum cleaner on the market, the i7+ is the better choice.

irobot roomba e6  

Mapping & Navigation Features

One of the biggest differences between the irobot Roomba e6 and Roomba i7+ is their mapping and navigation features. The Roomba e6 has more advanced mapping capabilities that allow it to navigate through narrower spaces, while the i7+ has a built-in laser scanner that can scan physical objects, such as furniture and pictures, for added convenience.

Cleaning Features 

The iRobot Roomba e6 and the Roomba i7+ are both popular robotic vacuum cleaners. They share a lot of features, but there are also some key differences that you should know about. Here are the main differences between the Roomba e6 and the Roomba i7+:

  1. The Roomba e6 has a six-brush rollers system while the Roomba i7+ has an eight-brush rollers system. This makes the roomba e6 better at deep cleaning.
  2. The Roomba e6 can move in every direction while the Roomba i7+ can only move forward and backward. This is helpful if you have tight spaces to clean or if you have obstacles that need to be avoided.
  3. The Roomba e6 has a dustbin capacity of 0.89 liters while the Roomba i7+ has a dustbin capacity of 1 liter. This means that the roomba e6 will be able to clean larger areas more.

Smart Features 

The iRobot Roomba e6 is a newer model of the Roomba robot that comes with some cool features that make it a better choice for some people. The main difference between the iRobot Roomba e6 and the Roomba i7+ is that the iRobot Roomba e6 has more smart features.

Here are the three main smart features of the irobot roomba e6 that make it a better choice for some people:

  • Collision avoidance: The irobot roomba e6 has a collision avoidance system that helps it avoid obstacles while moving around your home. This is especially helpful if you have small children or pets in your home.
  • Speech recognition: The irobot roomba e6 has speech recognition capabilities that allow you to control it using voice commands. This is great if you have difficulty using the touchscreen interface or if you want to keep your hands free while you are doing chores around your home.
  • GPS tracking: It can help you find your Roomba if it ever gets lost and it also can help you create a virtual map of your home.

Customization Features 

When it comes to customization, there are a few key differences between the Roomba e6 and the Roomba i7+.

  1. For starters, the Roomba e6 only allows you to schedule cleaning times, whereas the Roomba i7+ allows you to create custom cleaning schedules.
  2. Additionally, the Roomba i7+ lets you set specific areas to be cleaned, whereas the Roomba e6 does not have this feature.
  3. Finally, the Roomba i7+ comes with a virtual wall that you can use to block off areas that you don’t want cleaned, whereas the Roomba e6 does not have this feature.

Mopping Features

There are a few key differences between the mopping features of the Roomba e6 and the Roomba i7+.

  1. Firstly, the Roomba e6 only has one virtual wall barrier, whereas the Roomba i7+ comes with two. This means that the Roomba i7+ can be used to clean two rooms at once, or to create a larger cleaning area in one room.
  2. Another difference is that the Roomba i7+ comes with a ‘Dirt Detect’ feature, which uses sensors to identify areas of your floor that are particularly dirty and need more attention. The Roomba e6 does not have this feature.
  3. Finally, the Roomba i7+ comes with a self-emptying base, which means that it can empty its own dustbin when it is full. The Roomba e6 does not have this feature, and so will need to be emptied manually.

Which one should you buy?

If you’re wondering whether to buy a Roomba e6 or a Roomba i7+, there are a few things to consider. The biggest difference between the two models is that the Roomba i7+ features a self-emptying dustbin, while the Roomba e6 does not. Another key difference is that the Roomba i7+ comes with a virtual wall barrier, while the Roomba e6 does not. 

So, if you’re looking for the most powerful and efficient robotic vacuum, and you don’t mind emptying the dustbin yourself, the Roomba e6 is a great choice. If you want the convenience of a self-emptying dustbin and the added security of a virtual wall barrier, the Roomba i7+ is the better option.

irobot roomba i7+


There are many factors to consider when choosing between the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba i7+. Both models offer excellent features and performance, but there are some key differences that may make one more suitable for your needs than the other. You need to consider something about it before your purchase.